Thursday, February 19, 2009

Shalom #41

Happy Valentine's to my sweetheart of 43 years.  For several days prior to Valentine's day, students had been advertising singing during our Branch prayer on the evening of Sabbath and also Valentine's day, President Allen was surprised by this quartet of  young men. His reaction was the best!
Soooo, we've been absent from blogging for several week.  It takes commitment, energy and creativity  to blog regularly and we really admire those of you who do.

From time to time special conferences are held here at the Jerusalem Center.  Since one of our duties is housing, we make room assignments and help in any way that is needed.
H. David Burton and his wife along with 10 couples from Europe, Africa and Utah were here for a week of meetings.  These men are employees of the Department of Temporal Affairs. In the past they have met in Salt Lake City around conference time but decided this meeting would be held in Jerusalem.   In visiting with Bishop Burton, it was interesting to learn that he has never travelled to Israel or the BYU Jerusalem Center.  The group had a wonderful visit and after their meetings were able to see many sights around the Old City. 
The Branch was able to host a special Fireside with Bishop Burton as the guest speaker.  As Bob was introducing him, he choked slightly as he said Bishop Burton had graduated from the University of Utah.  The audience loved that. 
His message was on satan - the great deceiver.   He began by telling of his great love of baseball and used the example of pitchers and how important it is to be able to throw different kinds of pitches to deceive the batter and strike him out.  Ted Williams, a famous baseball player who still holds the honor of having the best batting average ever, had a great eye for watching the pitcher in his release of the ball and could tell what type of ball was being thrown and therefore had the ability to not be deceive as a batter.     There are so many ways satan tries to deceive and destroy our lives......we must use our eyes to see the evil in this world and turn our lives over to the Savior and see His good works and follow His counsel.