Monday, October 6, 2008

Shalom #8

After several days in Cairo we took a short air flight to Luxor (or Thebes), Egypt which is a very ancient, beautiful, CLEAN city along the Nile river with several amazing Temple sites. The Karnak Temple was so impressive as was the Luxor Temple. Karnak is the largest temple complex in the world. The oldest parts of the Karnak Temple date back to the Middle Kingdom (2040-1700 BC).

This was a statue of Ramses II. Look at the size of the statue compared to the people looking at it from a balcony.
Another perspective of the statue of Ramses II. If Ramses II was the Pharaoh of the Exodus, it is likely that Moses spent much of his life in Thebes (Luxor).

Cornstalks along the highway. Seeing these reminded us of the Old Testament stories of Joseph and his dream about his brothers bowing down to him? It is incredible what water does for a area. All along the Nile delta was this fertile valley with all types of vegetation growing...
When the Valley of the Kings was discovered what treasures were uncovered. In 1922 an archaeologist named Howard Carter discovered King Tut's tomb intact with all the jewelry and other objects. All the other tombs in the Valley had been robbed of their precious jewels and gold....probably by the artisans who were the builders of the tombs. They knew the secret hiding places and tunnels and what valuables the Pharaohs were buried with.