change and also her status for coming into Jerusalem, so having this meeting in her home town is a real blessing.The song, "O little town of Bethlehem" brings a new meaning with the Lord's supper being offered the saints after all these of Bread, the Lord's Sacrament.......Bread representing His body, the blood, his great sacrifice. It's only fitting that the Sacrament would be offered by the "Bread of Life" in Bethlehem...........We love this following youtube........
Friday, December 25, 2009
Shalom #86 Real Meaning of Christmas
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Shalom #85 Santa's Elf's at the Jerusalem Center
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Shalom #84....Good Bye to Fall Semester 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Shalom #83 OpPs........
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Shalom #82 Elder Holland
Elder Holland: Elder Holland said that he had an unfailing celestial feeling walking into this building. God is good to all of those who come here. We are under obligation to never be the same again, and if we are we are a disappointment. Cherish what so many would give anything to experience. Not only because we walk where Jesus walked, but because we have had the privilege. Remember it all the days of your lives.
Elder Holland went on to describe what he called one of the most remarkable days of Christ's life, which was not a New Testament day. It is in the Book of Mormon, the greatest day in the history of the world, Christ arriving in the New World.
Jesus taught about baptism, equivalent of Sermon on the Mount, the doctrine in 3 Nephi 12-14, the Law of Moses, other sheep, and the redemption of Israel.
3 Nephi 17: 2-4 "I aperceive that ye are weak, that ye cannot bunderstand all my words which I am commanded of the Father to speak unto you at this time. 3 Therefore, go ye unto your homes, and aponder upon the things which I have said, and ask of the Father, in my name, that ye may understand, and bprepare your minds for the cmorrow, and I come unto you again. 4 But now I ago unto the Father, and also to bshow myself unto the lost tribes of Israel, for they are not clost untothe Father, for he knoweth whither he hath taken them."
Christ terminated the day because He had an assignment to go unto the Father and show Himself unto the lost tribes.
3 Nephi 17:5 "And it came to pass that when Jesus had thus spoken, he cast his eyes round about again on the multitude, and beheld they were ain tears, and did look steadfastly upon him as if they would ask him to tarry a little longer with them. "
The people didn’t dare say a word, but in their tears they cried out for Him to stay a little longer.
Christ's bowels were filled with compassion. He understood. He had them bring their sick, maimed, deaf, and afflicted in any manner.
This story teaches that if we really want the Savior in our lives, we can.
The gospel of Jesus Christ forever and ever mercy trumps justice. Mercy, tears, the lame, blind, deaf...justice or duty were all set aside.
One of the greatest single incidents of all the Book of Mormon occurs in 3 Nephi with the children. Christ asks the children to come forward, and He weeps and blesses them.
Elder Holland reiterated that the key line in this story is "behold my bowels are filled with bowels are filled with mercy." This is the personification of mercy.
In Luke 6 it says "be ye therefore merciful as our Father in Heaven is merciful."
To be perfect is to be merciful. Be kinder. Be more forgiving. Be less demanding. "Be merciful" is the message of this city (Jerusalem). The atonement is the ultimate merciful act. The holiest setting of the Old Testament is the mercy seat, the figurative or literal place where Jehovah would come to commune with Ancient Israel.
Be a little more merciful. Be a little more disciplined. The great call that goes out to disciples is to be more merciful. Let us be merciful, helpful beyond our own needs. Be consumed with compassion.